Monday, December 29, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The United States should take the lead in coordinating these packages, but should work to develop an alliance of democracies in the region to address the crisis. Mugabe has made a career out of playing Western and African actors against each other. This practice cannot be allowed to continue. Washington needs partners in the region to help develop and ultimately present an incentive package to Mugabe. Post-election talks between British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and South African President Thabo Mbeki were a positive example, but faith in South Africa as a mediator is misplaced.
Tsvangari wants it and there is a lot of stuff that your aff doesn't do

RNW International Justice Desk


TsvangiraiZimbabwe's opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai on Saturday called for a truth and reconciliation commission to examine atrocities in the country dating back to the massacres of ethnic minorities in the 1980s.

"This country has gone through a lot of traumatic experiences," Tsvangirai said at the launch of a video on the 1980s atrocities. "What we have to accept is that in order to heal there must be justice, and in order to have justice there must be truth," Tsvangirai said. The video documents the Zimbabwean army's bloody campaign known as Gukurahundi, "the rain that washes away the chaff", when a North Korean-trained brigade is believed to have killed some 20,000 people in a counter-insurgency drive.

"That is the only way which can help us move forward as a nation. Unless the truth is told, there cannot be healing and reconciliation," he said. "There are those who are calling for a truth commission. They are right, but without justice we cannot move forward," he added.

Gukurahundi, in which the Ndebele minority were executed, burnt alive, thrown down mine shafts, and shot, was carried out by the 5th Brigade under the command of one Perence Shiri. Shiri, now promoted by to an Air Marshall, still serves in the Zimbabwe National Army to this day. The actions of the 5th Brigade have been entirely blamed on Robert Mugabe since, ultimately he was in charge of its operations across the country. The Brigade was different from all other Zimbabwean army units in that it was directly subordinated to the Prime Minister's office, and not integrated to the normal army command structures.

Most of the Ndebele victims were shot in public executions, often after being forced to dig their own graves in front of family and fellow villagers. The largest number of dead in a single killing was on 5 March 1983, when 62 young men and women were shot on the banks of the Cewale River, Lupane . Seven survived with gunshot wounds, the other 55 died. Another way 5 Brigade killed large groups of people was to burn them alive in huts. They did this in Tsholotsho and also in Lupane.

The 5th Brigade also would routinely round up dozens, or even hundreds, of civilians and march them at gun point to a central place, like a school or bore-hole. There they would be forced to sing Shona songs praising ZANU, at the same time being beaten with sticks. These gatherings usually ended with public executions. Those killed could be ex-ZIPRAs, ZAPU officials, or anybody chosen at random.

Moment of madness
In 1999, Mugabe labeled Gukurahundi as a "moment of madness", but has never publicly accepted responsibility. When thousands of civilians were being killed , Mugabe and his other cronies repudiated these allegations of atrocities and accused hostile foreign press of fabricating stories.

The documentary, Gukurahundi: A Moment of Madness, is produced by Zenzele Ndebele who is a human rights activist, was the highlight of a Gaborone film festival organised by the Botswana Centre for Human Rights (Ditshwanelo) in March.

Common thing
Tsvangirai linked the massacres of the 1980s to an operation three years ago when President Robert Mugabe's government bulldozed the homes of 700,000 people in what was officially called a slum renewal project.

"The common thing is we have a leader and a government whose main pre-occupation is power-retention," he added. "We created that government and the leader, and the question is how to deal with such experiences because that is human terror of unprecedented proportions."

Tsvangirai and Mugabe, who has ruled since independence in 1980, have been negotiating for weeks over a power-sharing deal following deadly electoral violence earlier this year.
The talks are stalled over control of the home affairs ministry, which oversees the police.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Orson Wells

Canada Clip - MC Frontalot - self proclaimed leader of the nerdcore - all throwaway jokes - but some i dont get

The reason why I played it is because - 46% approval rating / Queen Elizabeth

Vampire - new clubs - you were right

old show - no one wanted to do old show - but still not that bad

new stuff - new segment (shutting down)

1st - SO expensive - where is this $100 going
2nd - Credit Card Freak Out- shut me down
3rd - AutoComplete - Military - Name - DISHORORABLY DISCARHGED
4th - stress/wrong school
5th - scholarships - essay topics for the
6th - transgenderd

- we decorated the house - lights how long did it take
- made in indonesia, shipped to china to print then here to sell
- fake tree real tree deabte
The Christmas pickle is a pickle-shaped ornament hidden in the tree. The child who finds it first on Christmas morning receives an extra present. While the Christmas pickle is believed to be a German custom, it is fairly unknown in Germany but widely spread across the USA. In fact it is completely of American origin. [1] The christmas pickle is a very fun game and is a favorite in most American households.

1st -
2nd -
3nd - Gmail account - first run - I CAN'T USE THE NEW THING

tea in the sink
our landlord clean the pumpkins off

Online account - spanish
Unied Arab Emerates

do you want to talk greece?



THE ROLE: Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy
WHO LET IT GET AWAY: Sean Connery, who’d never read the

J.R.R. Tolkien series and claimed he “didn’t understand the

script.” (Can you say karma?)
THE ROLE: Neo in The Matrix
turned it down to star in the forgettable action flick Wild

Wild West, and the part went to Keanu Reeves.
REGRETTABILITY METER: Low. In an interview with Wired, Smith

said, “I would have absolutely messed up The Matrix. At that

point I wasn’t smart enough as an actor to let the movie

be—whereas Keanu was.”

In a recent report of DUI excuses in the Swedish newspaper

Nerikes Allehanda, a 56-year-old woman had asserted that,

though she had been drinking, her driving was not affected

because she had remembered to keep one eye closed. [The

Local (Stockholm), 10-30-08]

Dateline: Page Six
Is Bill Murray NYC New Party Boy

Veteran Massachusetts thief Robert Aldrich applied for

compensation because his latest arrest happened to have been

illegal, and a state law permits recovery for lost income

during wrongful incarceration. However, in November, a

Suffolk County judge turned him down as she was unable to

find any "income" that Aldrich might have earned during his

six wrongful months in jail except from more burglaries

[United Press International, 11-5-08]

One of the items in a November seized-contraband auction by

the Denver Police Department was a 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass

that was ultimately bought for $350 by a 19-year-old woman,

but which is still evidence in an active murder

investigation. Police eventually took back the car, which

has bullet holes and a bloody interior and contained blood-

stained clothing. Furthermore, a second shooting victim who

was in the car[Denver Post, 11-20-08]

A New York Times dispatch from India highlighted the growing

problem of intra-family frauds in which one member claims a

living relative's land or wealth by swearing to the

government that the relative is dead. According to the

Times, the "deceased" had finally begun to fight back. An

advocacy group, the Association of Dead People, helps

aggrieved citizens figure out how to prove that they are

alive, which can be difficult, given India's slow-moving

bureaucracies. The association's founder said that he

personally had tried to authenticate his existence by public

actions such as running for office, filing lawsuits and

getting arrested, but that he nonetheless remained

officially dead. [New York Times, 10-24-00]

Albinos in Africa find a haven from being hunted
WITH their milky white skin, wispy hair and haunting, pale

eyes, they are called �the living ghosts� by locals.
And the vulnerable albinos of Tanzania in East Africa have

more than insults to fear.
They are being hunted down and hacked to death to satisfy a

growing demand for their body parts and blood to use in

black magic. **I think Good Move

Sugar can be addictive, Princeton scientist says
Animal studies show sugar dependence
A Princeton University scientist will present new evidence

today demonstrating that sugar can be an addictive

substance, wielding its power over the brains of lab animals

in a manner similar to many drugs of abuse.Professor Bart

Hoebel and his team in the Department of Psychology and the

Princeton Neuroscience Institute have been studying signs of

sugar addiction in rats for years. Until now, the rats under

study have met two of the three elements of addiction. They

have demonstrated a behavioral pattern of increased intake

and then showed signs of withdrawal. His current experiments

captured craving and relapse to complete the picture."If

bingeing on sugar is really a form of addiction, there

should be long-lasting effects in the brains of sugar

addicts," Hoebel said. "Craving and relapse are critical

components of addiction, and we have been able to

demonstrate these behaviors in sugar-bingeing rats in a

number of ways."

The chain's junior bacon cheeseburger is ranked as 'the most

unhealthful' value item available among the offerings of

national fast-food chains, according to the Cancer Project.
By Jerry Hirsch December 9, 2008
Recessionary eating isn't always healthful eating,

especially when it comes to the $1 value menus pushed by

fast-food chains to keep sales growing through the economic

slump, according to one health watchdog.Jack in the Box's

Junior Bacon Cheeseburger was ranked "the most unhealthful"

value item available among the offerings of national fast-

food chains, according to an analysis by dietitians with the

nonprofit Cancer Project in Washington that is scheduled to

be released today.The $1 burger from San Diego-based Jack in

the Box topped the ranking because of its hamburger patty

and "hefty helpings of cheese and mayo-onion sauce," said

Krista Haynes, Cancer Project staff dietitian.

WALTHAM, Mass., Dec. 8 (UPI) -- Ninety percent of U.S.

adults say they pray -- more than half say it's once a day

or more -- in times of economic distress or plenty,

researchers said.Lead author Wendy Cadge, a sociologist at

Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass., found that the

prayers fell into one of three categories -- about 28

percent of prayers were requests of God, 28 percent were

prayers to both thank and petition God, while another 22

percent of the prayers just thanked God.

Japanese Man Makes Airport Home
MEXICO CITY (Nov. 21) - Hiroshi Nohara is on a layover at

the Mexico City airport. It has lasted almost three months,

and he has no plans to leave.
For reasons he can't explain, the Japanese man has been in

Terminal 1 of the Benito Juarez International Airport since

Sept. 2, surviving off donations from fast-food restaurants

and passengers and sleeping in a chair

Joe the Plumber: McCain "Appalled Me," Made Me Feel

"Dirty"Huffington Post
Think Progress reports that Joe Wurzelbacher isn't a huge

fan of the man who made him famous. He told conservative

radio host Glenn Beck that he felt "dirty" after "being on

the campaign trail and seeing some of the things that take

place." songs

Atmos - 3 orange lights
AmBeam - fantasy
Capsula - I Know That I Know